Saturday, November 24, 2018

Webserver Status

The recent server outage has taken offline all webservers managed by the College of Engineering Computing Services. Webservers are in the process of being rebuilt, and following is a tentative order in which we will be rebuilding them:
  1. Other
The following are fully operational to our knowledge:
  1. Main college and departmental websites (all OmniUpdate)
  2. Drupal 7 public websites, incl. newsletters
  3. Drupal 8 public websites
The following are operational in a limited and/or read-only capacity:
  1. Drupal 8 internal, incl. selective admissions and student services files
  2. Research/grad PHP sites (including web-based data collection activities) -- data collection activities are fully operational, maintainers are not able to login to the server or access the database at this time.
  3. CECS Intranet (reservation and checkout systems remain offline)
  4. Digital Signs, incl. video wall
  5. Mark Clark websites (requires further functional testing)
We will update this list as we bring servers online, and your patience is appreciated.

Last updated: 2018/11/26 9:58 PM