1. We have decided not to recreate the ENGG Active Directory domain, but rather to join the Campus AD. Jason and Vick will be coming around to convert all computers to using that domain for authentication.
2. We will not be running our own Trent Anti/Virus server anymore. Jason and Vick will be removing our version from computers as they make their rounds for #1. By default, this will leave Windows Defender, which is usually just as reliable. If you would prefer to keep Trend, they will happily assist with installing the University version for you.
3. We will no longer be providing H: drives for personal storage. The meager quotas we were able to provide are nothing compared to a cheap USB Flash drive, or the 1TB quota that everybody has on their OneDrive. We recommend using one of those. We will have a way for people to retrieve their files from the old H: drive in a few days.
3a. For employees in the departments that we support that have been keeping work-related files on your H: drive, we will assist you in moving to using a secure folder on your departmental file server, which is really where they should have been all along.
Last Updated: 11/25/2018 @ 3:30pm