You should start getting your drive letters mapped (L:, K:, S:, V:, etc) as you login fresh to your computers, if you have been joined to the Campus ADS. As directories complete their restoration, I then have to re-apply permissions. Once that is done, you will see those directories that you have access to. I will post a list of what has been restored on Monday.
We are still working on joing people to the Campus ADS, but most of the Faculty/Staff have been completed and we are working on graduate student computers. Faculty/Staff, if we missed you and you are now ready to be converted, or if you still have laptops that need converted, go ahead and shoot us an email to and give 2 or 3 possible times that we can come by.
UPDATE: 12/5/2017 @ 7:30am: Obviously, I did not post an update on what file servers have been restored. The list would be cumbersome to write and for you to read. I have emailed Department Heads at various milestones on the restoration process and will email them again when their department is complete. Hopefully, they will pass that information along.
K: (ChE) is complete
T: (EEXT) is complete
X: (HSR) is complete
Y: (HSR) is complete